Damjan Cvetko

Damjan Cvetko

Developer, System Architect, Hacker.


1 minute read

<p>Challenge: Isn’t 2fa fun? Especially when you forget to backup you code and can’t login anywhere anymore. Well, not even Santa is immune to mistakes like this. Fortunately his app creates a recovery token. The developers hoped that Santa would never need it, so they kinda slacked off when implementing the app. It’s up to us to find Santa’s recovery token.</p>

3 minutes read

<p>Challenge: Santa’s elves created a brand new API for naughty and nice list at <a href="http://elfs.owasp.si:8000/">http://elfs.owasp.si:8000/</a> with advanced protections. But did they get the protections right? Be nice.</p>

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