Damjan Cvetko

Damjan Cvetko

Developer, System Architect, Hacker.

2 minutes read

Santa forgot his password from last year for the gift system, all he has is the password hash from the backup database - 0e05910310684507431798973709823129745294. The password is too strong to crack even for his magic mining rigs. His elves are not very good web developers though so it shouldn’t be hard to find a way to log into the app. https://blitzen.bsidesljubljana.si/

A green page with one input field pops up…

Could it be SQL injection?

’ or 1=1 –

That didn’t work… Whats this 0e… thing? And the site is PHP?

Oh, I remember… It’s the PHP operator == that does type conversion… It converts the string of 0e05… into float 0, since is the exponent float notation it basically says 0 * 10^059… = 0.

By looking at the length of this “has” we can deduce its a SHA1 operation, so we can guess there is some code like this below:

if (sha1($_GET['password']) == "0e05910310684507431798973709823129745294") {...

The obvious solution is, find a password that will hash into 0e… something. This will then evaluate to true, like this:

So the task remains, what kind of input to SHA1 will produce a 0e… string? Turns out this is also a solved problem.

Enter 10932435112 and we get…

Flag: xmas{L4sTXm4$iG4vEy0uMyFl4g}

What did I learn: Well, PHP is a dabgerous language… So, nothing new.

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