Santa visited a Gravity Falls town. While visiting, he met a triangular man called Bill, who stole his gifts. To get them back, he must decode some strange hieroglyphics symbols. Help him do it and save Christmas!</p>
Santa is currently very busy preparing for Christmas. But he noticed that elves changed his “naughty list.txt” from his SharePoint folder “<a href="https://owaspsi.sharepoint.com/sites/xmas2020/Shared">https://owaspsi.sharepoint.com/sites/xmas2020/Shared</a> Documents”. Can you help him solve the mystery of how did they get access to it?</p>
Isn’t 2fa fun? Especially when you forget to backup you code and can’t login anywhere anymore. Well, not even Santa is immune to mistakes like this. Fortunately his app creates a recovery token. The developers hoped that Santa would never need it, so they kinda slacked off when implementing the app. It’s up to us to find Santa’s recovery token.</p>
Santa made available a service that accepts only the best of jokes. Try it out, binary is available and service is listening at elfs.owasp.si:40003.</p>
It’s nearly Christmas and Santa’s very busy getting everything ready. He’s preparing his list of who’s been good. Write a letter to Santa, to let him know that you have been nice.</p>